Alongame is an ongoing series of projects (from games to streams to live events) exploring ways of telling stories together; so far it's included:
The Alongame Shelves (2021): solo games and livestreams that allowed remote individual players to build a world together. The games are freely available on this page, playable as standalone pieces.
The Shield & Torch (2022): a live show mixing interactive theatre and role-playing games, that allows people to play out an evening in a fantasy tavern. Tickets are available here; some tie-in games will be posted on this page.
More information can be found here.
These games were made by Thryn Henderson (one half of Furtive Shambles), Mo Holkar, Chloe Mashiter (aka roll / flip / draw), Hannah Raymond-Cox, and Isa S-A.
Seems there's plenty of messages already here for you, and you're not here for my words anyway, so I'll leave you to it.
I see a message from Yaya is already written here (I think I just remember being there when he wrote it, in fact), and there's not much for me to add. Enjoy the rituals, the taking of time over them, and the sharing of their outcomes.
I've planted these rituals side-by-side since theyre some of the first ones my grandparents showed me and good for getting a sense of where you and whats around you. Right now Ive got Moira to my side asking if she can know what you find. Shes always in a rush to see more of the world and hear new stories - you can send things our way here.
Oh and Moira reminded me to make sure there were pages from the Almanac and some plain copies, so theres two versions of every ritual so you can read and use whichever is easier.
Enjoy the rituals - the gooseprints outside the front door this morning are meant to mean good luck, so I'll send any that comes my way to you.
Your retired Shelfkeeper, Tilleryard